Dear Michael,
I was excited to get a chance to talk to you about the MusicCord-PRO power cable that I have been using for the past 2-3 years. I am a jazz guitarist in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have been gigging around here for over 34 years.
I use your cable with an AER Compact 60 and a Gibson L-5 , sometimes a CS-356. Getting a great jazz guitar tone is what I try to achieve. I don't use any pedals or effects other than a little reverb from the amp. There is no distortion or gain boosting involved,just the guitar and amp and cable. Most guitarists would not be able to get what they're after like this but I am not interested in electronic gadgetry at all-- just straight up guitar tone. I have played a regular Friday night gig for the past 14 years along with clubs, ski resorts,and restaurants.
Since I got the MusicCord-PRO I have never used the stock cord except for one time - for logistical reasons having to due with an awkward set-up. Let me tell you: I could not plug in the MusicCord-PRO fast enough! The difference in sound quality was shocking. The bottom end was flabby and hard to control [in the house system] the midrange, which is crucial to jazz guitar tone, was like a wet noodle and the top end was thin and unmusical. Some further observations about what your cable does: incredible power or "headroom" to project or throw the sound even in large outdoor spaces, tight rich bass response which hinders feedback, thick warm smooth midrange, top end that is never harsh. I get definition, dimensionality and power that never even makes the clip indicator on the amp light up.
Another thing is the sustain qualities that occur that is unlike anything I have experienced. Single notes can have singing tone that is very hornlike. Chords ring and sound for a very long time with accuracy and clarity. The ability to articulate fast single note lines and complex chord passages is unsurpassed. I hope I haven't gone on too long even though I am sure I have left something out.
Thank you for making my gig life a lot more enjoyable and musically more rewarding!
Steven Flygare (USA)